January 29, 2013

Smooth Moovers

I finally lost my bike move virginity - the very same day I lost my trailer-dragging virginity.
Time was short to get from the shop ride I led that morning up to Ed & Steph's on Alberta.  I was relieved as I sprinted up to see pylons marking parking spaces filled with people and their bikes and trailers.

Still, I only had my road bike.  Not even a rack or bag to carry stuff.  I found Steph and asked how I could help.  She sent me to Aaron, who promptly linked this awesome little trailer to the SOMA.  In the trailer?  Tires!  That's right, bicycle tires!  What could be more perfect for the tire-dork to tow?
After what felt like a small amount of preparation, probably because I arrived late, we were off.  All seventy of us, riding together and snaking through the streets side by side.  There were all sorts of cyclists and lots of different types of bikes.

I watched one woman run across the street and into her house, yelling, "come out, come out, you have to see this!".  It was quite a spectacle.  Along with the heavy loads and big smiles, the thing that impressed me was how strictly we followed traffic laws.  If the light turned red, the group that made it through the green would wait up ahead.
Ten miles later, we arrived at the new house in the Lents neighborhood.  The 2 bedroom house suddenly seemed like a clown house with oodles of people packing in boxes and trying to get back out.  Ed & Steph's mothers had prepared a feast for everyone and there was even a keg to enjoy.  What a celebration!

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