On August 7th, 7 of us rode around Portland on a traveling yoga practice adventure. We honored our root chakras at Root Whole Body, posing outside the studio window while yogis from inside looked on. The sacral, or sexual, chakra had us doing eagle pose on the pedestrian bridge over Powell with a view of a strip club.

For the naval chakra, we headed to the dock across from OMSI with a view of a Naval submarine and did boat pose. Our hearts were honored outside Sacred Heart Church with a spinal twist.

The throat chakra represents sound and communication, but it is also the sacred spot where candy passes into your body from the outside world, so we went to the candyland house on Milwaukee for that pose. We meowed and mooed (cat/cow pose) on the sidewalk across from The 3rd Eye on Hawthorne. And finally downward dog for our "1000-petaled (pedaled?) lotus" crowns at the crown jewel of Ladd Circle. Namasté!

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