September 1, 2011

Bike Commute Challenge!

STOP what you're doing right now (or after you finish reading this blog entry) and register for the Bike Commute Challenge!

Why, you ask? The main reason is that the more seasoned bike commuters participate, the more new riders are motivated to join in the fun. More bikes! More bikers! What could be more awesome? A free beer party at the end, that's what!

Even if you work from home, you can log miles you ride for work-related errands. You get discounts at many area bike shops. You can compete with other participants, finally showing your friends (or enemies!) who's boss.

New this year, you can create and compete with different leagues. For example, there's a bike shop league that my team is competing within - not just for mileage but percentage of commuters and commute days.

So, join the fun! If you'd like to challenge me, go to individuals and search Maria Schur. I will beat you. Or I won't. Either way, we both win!

1 comment:

  1. Are you doing it as part of They're on Twitter too @30DaysofBiking #30daysofbiking hashtag, and on FB

    barb from Bike Style
