September 2, 2011

Courier Coffee

Sprout Cycles and North Street Bags had their wares on display at Joel's place last night.

Two turntables but no microphone.

Talking bikes with Edwin from Sprout Cycles is pure stimulation. Makes my daydreams of custom bikes feel possible.


  1. And if anyone can make custom happen for you it is probably Edwin, one of the most sweet-natured, lovely, talented people in framebuilderland there ever was. Talk to him. I bet you can work something out.

  2. 2 questions -
    Which coffee place? I wonder if it's the guy who once was part of the FTR gang...

    Second, Edwin cycles? There's an Edwin cycles here in Park City -

  3. Bikelove - yes, I will!
    Ryan - Courier Coffee - remember Joel who carried a birthday cake over my 40 ounce party? It's his place.
    Edwin is the guy at Sprout Cycles.
